Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Program

Scheme of Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research
November 8, 2016
School of Data Fellowships
November 8, 2016

Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Program

The Schlumberger Foundation is an independent non-profit entity that supports science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Recognizing the link between science, technology, and socio-economic development, as well as the key role of education in realizing individual potential, the Schlumberger Foundation flagship program is Faculty for the Future.

 About the Fellowship

The Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships are awarded to women from developing and emerging economies who are preparing for PhD or post-doctoral study in the physical sciences, engineering, technology, or related disciplines to pursue advanced graduate study at top universities in their disciplines abroad.

 Eligibility Criteria

Are a female and are a citizen of a developing country or emerging economy*.

You are not eligible to apply if you hold dual citizenship of which one is citizenship of a developed country. (N.B. If you have been awarded a Faculty for the Future grant and after the award you obtain citizenship of a developed country, the grant will be discontinued as of the date of such additional citizenship); are preparing for a PhD degree or post-doctoral research in the physical sciences, engineering, technology and related disciplines. Awards in biological sciences are limited to interdisciplinary research between physical and biological sciences. The Faculty for the Future program does not fund Master level studies; 

Are enrolled, admitted or have applied to a host university/research institute abroad (applications are no longer accepted where a candidate has not yet applied to a university). If you are applying for a sandwich course the final degree must be awarded by the Host University abroad (i.e., not from the home country university); have a proven track record of teaching experience or can demonstrate commitment to teaching can demonstrate active participation in faculty life and outreach programs to encourage young women into the sciences are willing to contribute to the socio-economic development of your home country and region by strengthening the faculties in your home university, pursuing relevant research, or using your specific expertise to address public policy matters.

Monetary Support

 The long-term goal of the Faculty for the Future program is to generate conditions that result in more women pursuing scientific disciplines. Grant recipients are therefore selected as much for their leadership capabilities as for their scientific talents, and they are expected to return to their home countries to continue their academic careers and inspire other young women.

Faculty for the Future Community – Over the past few years, Faculty for the Future has extended its mission to community building. An on-line forum (restricted access) provides a popular venue for daily interaction among the 257 Fellows.

Duration:1 year



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