William T. Grant Distinguished Fellows

William Southam Journalism Fellowship
November 9, 2016
World Journalist Fellowship
November 9, 2016

William T. Grant Distinguished Fellows

This program is designed for mid-career influential researchers, policymakers, and practitioners.

 Its goal is to increase the supply of, demand for, and use of high-quality research in the service of improved settings for youth.

To be eligible for consideration, applicants must submit a proposal that advances the William T. Grant Foundation’s Current Research Interests and propose one or two tax-exempt private and governmental organizations that are willing to “house” and mentor the Fellow.

 Three deadlines a year.

Duration: 6 months – 2 years).

Monetary Support:

Each Fellow will receive up to $175,000 (including direct and indirect costs of 7.5%) for the total duration of the fellowship

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