The Schmidt MacArthur Fellowship

The Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program
November 9, 2016
YES Aspire Scholarship program
November 9, 2016

The Schmidt MacArthur Fellowship

This is a 12 month international programme on the circular economy open to postgraduate students in design, engineering and business from a network of fourteen Partner Universities.

Each year the Fellowship also runs a Wild Card competition to identify one or two exceptional students from any other universities in the world, to win a place on the programme.

The programme includes a week long summer school in the UK, an online support programme and a cash bursary, as well as the opportunity to link with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s wider programme of activities and networks.

We agree. Our intensive summer Fellowship is designed to help top talent attack big problems in new ways. By taking a customer-centric approach and pushing our teams to iterate quickly and cheaply, we aim to build products that can really make a difference.

We’ve built our summer program to provide everything a team of early-stage social entrepreneurs might need: thousands of dollars in resources, an amazing peer group, unparalleled access to a pool of community collaborators for research and testing, and much more.

The program is split into two parts: We start with an intensive eight-week Research Phase, delving deeply into the lived experience of our Design Insight Group to discover insights that lead to potential product ideas. This is followed by an 80-day Build Sprint, where the best ideas and products that come out of the Research Phase are tested, validated, and eventually built.Our fellows are experienced professionals who come from places like Facebook, Twitter, MOMA, the Harlem Children’s Zone and more. They have launched tech companies, clothing lines, and non-profits and are looking for new ways to support communities traditionally underserved by technology.

Great candidates will bring not only a great track record in their area of expertise, but also courage, empathy, and a love of fast-paced, collaborative environments. If that sounds like you, we’d love for you to join us!

Website: Program

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