Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship

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Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship

Reliance Industries Limited generously created the Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program to support Indian nationals living in India who need financial assistance in obtaining an MBA at Stanford.

The Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program provides future Indian leaders with the educational foundation to effect positive change in India. Fellows return to India to lead organizations that are at the forefront of growth and development in the rapidly emerging Indian economy.


  • Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows will receive financial support for thecost of tuition and associated feesfor each year of the two-year Stanford MBA Program .
  • Within two years of completing their Stanford MBA studies, Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows are required to return to India for a period of at least two years to work for an Indian organization.

Monetary Support:approximately $140,000


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