Nehru Trust’s UK Travel Awards 2024

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Nehru Trust’s UK Travel Awards 2024

Brief Description:

Nehru Trust’s UK Travel Awards 2024 is an opportunity offered by the Nehru Trust for the Indian Collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum (NTICVA),* for scholars or professionals working in museums, galleries, universities, or other specified institutions concerned with the preservation, study and display of India’s art and cultural heritage.

Under this internship, two candidates will get a chance to visit the United Kingdom (UK) for short periods for study, research, attendance at conferences, and the exchange of ideas or collaborations with colleagues. The selected candidates will receive a maximum of £1,000 as a part-cost contribution towards the maintenance and/or airfare from and to India.

*Nehru Trust for the Indian Collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum (NTICVA) is constituted to encourage the study, preservation, and display of India’s art and cultural heritage.

Source: Nehru Trust for the Indian Collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum (NTICVA)


To be eligible, an applicant must:-

  • be an Indian citizen
  • be a scholar or professional working in museums, galleries, universities or other specified institutions concerned with the preservation, study and display of India’s art and cultural heritage


The selected candidates will receive a maximum of £1,000 as a part-cost contribution towards the maintenance and/or airfare from and to India.


  • Application form
  • Proforma for estimates of expenses
  • Statement of Purpose (100 words max) describing the following:
    • A description of the candidate’s professional and academic interests and experience.
    • The relevance of the project to the candidate’s professional or career plans.
  • Reference form duly filled by at least 2 referees

How to Apply:

Application Form:

All applicants should send their completed submission to the address below, to be received no later than 15 February.

Application forms and Referees’ forms are available online below or from:

The Secretary
Nehru Trust for the Indian Collections at the Victoria & Albert Museum
The School of Arts and Aesthetics
SAA Building II
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi – 110067

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