ASEF (Asia Europe Foundation)

Central Square Foundation: EDUSTART
April 8, 2017
Vidhi – Tata Trusts Fellowship: Research role
April 21, 2017

ASEF (Asia Europe Foundation)


Here is an opportunity to represent India as a Youth Leader at the 2nd Asia Europe Foundation Youth Leadership Summit taking place in conjunction with the ASEM Education Ministers meeting in South Korea. The theme is on Access to Youth Employment.

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is an intergovernmental process established in 1996 to foster dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe. Presently it comprises 53 partners: 30 European and 21 Asia countries (including India), the EU and ASEAN secretariat. ASEM addresses political, economic, social, cultural, and educational issues of common interest, in a spirit of mutual respect and equal partnership.

Goes without saying that if selected, the ASEF (Asia Europe Foundation), the body coordinating the meeting, will fund your entire travel, visa and other expenses.


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