Historical dialogue and accountability (AHDA) is a growing field of advocacy and scholarship that encompasses the efforts of conflict, post-conflict, and post-dictatorial societies to come to terms with their pasts.
AHDA fellowship program gives participants the opportunity to engage in training, networking, project work, and academic study in historical dialogue and related fields at Columbia University in New York City.
Eligibility: The Program is designed for NGO practitioners, journalists, lawyers, teachers, social workers, community organizers, and other activists working on issues including (but not limited to) transitional justice, truth and reconciliation, historical conflict, indigenous and minority rights, social accountability, memory studies, oral history, sites of memory and related areas where historical dialogue is a central component.
Fellows must provide proof of institutional endorsement from their organizations for their participation in the Program and must commit to returning to that organization upon completion of the Program.
Monetary Support:
Duration: 4 months
Website: http://humanrightscolumbia.org/ahda/fellowship