About the site: TU Delft OpenCourseWare (OCW) seeks to capitalize on the potential of the internet to eliminate borders and geographic distance as obstacles to the instantaneous exchange of knowledge and new ideas. Unlike distance learning programs that charge tuition, provide formal instruction and limit participation, OpenCourseWare offers all course materials free to everyone with online access. Educators from around the world may upgrade their classes; students may enhance their coursework or pursue self study; the general public may glimpse the depth and breadth of what leading universities are offering and benefit from reading lists and lectures.
Number of courses: Numerous courses in various disciplines
Some of the Popular courses:
Petroleum Geology
Structural Geology & Map Interpretation
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
Analog Integrated Circuit Design
Lineaire Algebra
Introduction to Reflection Seismics
Traffic Flow Theory and Simulation
Electrical machines and drives
Most suitable for: Bachelors and Post-Graduate students
Fee: Free access to all the courses
Tags/ Categories: Bachelors, Post-Graduate
Benefits: Access to courses from all disciplines of academia. Free MooC courses
Website Link: https://ocw.tudelft.nl/