The Aspen Institute’s New Voices Fellowship
November 8, 2016
The Commutiny: Learning and Leadership
November 8, 2016

The Coaching Fellowship

The Coaching Fellowship provides 50 young high potential women of impact with professional coaching at a massively reduced rate so they may focus deeply onpersonal development, attaining their goals and changing the world in the process.

Fellows receive three months of professional coaching (usually via phone/Skype) with our highly experienced and certified coaches.

Program costs: The Fellowship is not free. We ask fellows to donate $300 as a fee for the entire program.

The Coaching Fellowship is open to any woman between the ages of 25 and 35 based anywhere in the world, who is today or who wants to transform our world for the better.


  • A female changemaker between the ages of 25-35
  • Strongly committed to changing the planet
  • Doing something extraordinary
  • Dedicated to her own self-discovery and development
  • Realistic about her goals for coaching (feasible for completion within a three month time period)


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