The Anant Fellowship 2024-25

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The Anant Fellowship 2024-25

Brief Description:

The Anant Fellowship 2024-25 is an opportunity offered by Anant National University (India’s First DesignX University) for undergraduate degree holders in any discipline. This global, year-long postgraduate programme prepares and empowers individuals to become solutionaries who can design, build, and preserve equitable built environments. With more than 160 fellows trained from across 6 continents and 18 countries, the program boasts a diverse and impactful alumni network. Selected fellows are eligible for need-based scholarships ranging from 25% to 100% of tuition fees.


To be eligible, an applicant must:-

  • hold an undergraduate degree in any discipline
  • demonstrate a commitment to improving the built environment
  • possess a strong academic record and extracurricular achievements


Note:- Final-year students and applicants with or without work experience are encouraged to apply.


Candidates selected for the fellowship program will receive a need-based scholarship covering 25% to 100% of tuition fees and other benefits.

Note:- Applicable to the AY 2024-25 cohort.


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