Sankalp Forum’s annual summit was the first platform for social enterprises in India, and rapidly became the world’s largest. Sankalp Forum, an Intellecapinitaitive, aims to influence the global inclusive development discourse through its work with entrepreneurs, impact investors and inclusive businesses in developing markets. Keeping entrepreneurs at its core, Sankalp engages Governments, corporations, influential platforms like the G8 and G20, media and civil society to drive a paradigm shift in inclusive development approaches. It is a convergence of global knowledge, investment and dialog geared towards building a more inclusive ecosystem for high impact, pro-poor businesses. Each year, it brings several social enterprises to the forefront, and connects them to enablers, mentors and crucial networks. In 2013, the Summit joined forces with Villgro’sUnconvention to consolidate the social enterprise space in India. Now called the SankalpUnconvention Summit, it will be able to offer more new initiatives and focus more strongly on regional deep-dive.