Civil Services Examination conducted by UPSC
December 13, 2016
Post office Examinations
December 13, 2016


No Post Qualification Age Training
1. Enquiry – cum-Reservation Clerk Degree 18-27Yrs 3 mth
2. Accounts Clerk Matriculation 18-27Yrs
3. Jr. Accounts Asst. Degree, Eng typing 30 wpm, Hindi typing 25 wpm 18-27Yrs 5 Week
4. Prob. Astt. Mater Rly. Degree/Diploma in Traffic & Management Preferred 18 – 30Yrs 8 month
5. Trainee Asst. Matriculation and Dricer (Elect/Diesel) Cert.from ITI 18- 27Yrs 5 Week
6. Apprentice Machanic Dip in Elect. Engg. (DH/Elect) 18- 33Yrs 2 Yrs
7. Apprentice Machanic Dip in Mech. Engg. (DH/Mech) 18- 33Yrs 2 Yrs
8. Apprentice Signal Inspector (Gr.I) B.E. (Elect/ Electro/ Telecom) 20- 35Yrs 1 Yrs
9. Apprentice Signal Inspector (Gr. III) Dip. (Mech/Elect/Electro/Telecom)or B.Sc., (Physics) 18- 33 Yrs 2 Yrs
10. Skilled Artisan Matriculation and ITI cert 18- 32 Yrs 6 month
11. Stenographer(Eng) Matriculation and proficiency in Eng. Stenography 80 wpm. Eng typing 40 wpm 18- 37Yrs ——-
12. Trainee Elect BE (Mech/Elect/Forenman Electro) 20-37Yrs 1Yrs
13. Apprentice Inspector Apprent.
Permanent way Inspector (Gr. III) Dip. (Civil/Mech/Electro) 18-30Yrs 1yr of works (Gr.III)
14. Apprentice Train Examiner Degree 18-28yrs 2 yrs
15. Guard Degree 18-25yrs 3 yrs
16. Law Asst. Degree in Law 20-30yrs ——-
17. Statistical Asst. MA/M.Sc. with Eco/State/Maths 20-30yrs ——-

Website :www.railwayrecruitment.co.in/

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