KIITEE – KIITEE Management Entrance Exam

JEMAT – II – Joint Entrance Management Aptitude Test
November 11, 2016
MP MET – Madhya Pradesh Management Entrance Test
November 11, 2016

KIITEE – KIITEE Management Entrance Exam

DEGREE: KIIT school of Management invites applications for programs in MBA and rural development.

ELIGIBILITY: A graduate degree in any discipline recognized by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), holding a minimum of 15 years of education (10+2+3) and scoring a minimum of 50% aggregate marks or equivalent CGPA. The percentage of aggregate marks is to be calculated as per the practice followed by the concerned university or institution. If the concerned university or institution does not have any scheme for converting the CGPA into equivalent marks, percentage scores would be calculated by the division of the obtained CGPA with the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100. Those candidates who are currently in the final year and are expected to complete all the requirements before end of June can also apply.


DATE OF EXAM: usually in the second week of January.


APPLICATION PERIOD: November to December


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