ICMR International Fellowships
November 5, 2016
IC4HD’s Human Development Fellowships for Young Professionals
November 5, 2016

ICats Program

The ICats Program was founded by LGT Venture Philanthropy in 2007 to provide additional professional know-how to its portfolio organizations, alongside financial and social capital.

About the Fellowship

The ICats Program matches experienced professionals with temporary positions at social ventures. ICats work with the management teams to build organizational capacity, systems, and processes and train local staff. Thus, they support the critical expansion and contribute significantly to scaling-up the organizations’ impact. All participating organizations are part of the LGT Venture Philanthropy portfolio or the Accelerator Program. Hence, ICats are a vital part of LGT Venture Philanthropy’s support to its portfolio. Ultimately, ICats provide a professional capacity building service that supports organizations to maximize their impact. Depending on your availability and depth of engagement, there are different options to participate in the ICats Program:

LGT VP Impact Fellowship: 11 months, full-time, in-the-field engagements to transfer professional know-how in order to support LGT VP portfolio organizations to scale their impact

LGT VP Accelerator Fellowship: 14 months, full-time, in-the-field engagements to provide hands-on business consulting to outstanding, early-stage social ventures with a high potential for scaling-up and positive impact

Impact Mentorship: Taking on mentor roles within social organizations to transfer know-how whilst continuing the day-to-day job

In addition, we are partnering with leading organizations in the sector like Pearson or Hilti Foundation, who offer interesting vacancies via the ICats Platform. Read more.


  ICats are passionate professionals from all over the world, who want to use their skills in a meaningful way. Candidates are required to have a strong professional background (undergraduate degree, international exposure and a minimum of 2 years of relevant work experience) as well as outstanding personal skills. ICats usually have a background in Finance, Business Consulting, Marketing and Communications, Operations Management, Project Management, IT, HR, Product Development, Process and Quality Management or Law.

have a positive attitude, be sensitive to other cultures and be strongly cause driven to make a difference

be able to work unsupervised and take responsibility for own actions and for those reporting to them

be prepared to make financial and personal sacrifices to serve the vision

constantly adapt to a changing environment

Monetary Support

  The ICats Program offers exceptional personal/professional skills development by exposing its participants to complex and unknownenvironments at social enterprises in primarily emerging countries. Joining this program provides a great opportunity to transition or advance a careerin the social sector.

Duration: 11 to 14 months

 Level: Graduate and above

 Website:http://www.lgtvp.com/ICats-Program/Fellowship-and-Mentorship.aspx 53

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