ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowships
October 18, 2023
SBIF Asha Scholarship for School Students 2023
October 18, 2023

Emeritus Fellowship


The University Grants Commission floated the Scheme of “Emeritus Fellowship” in order to provide an opportunity to the superannuated teachers of universities, colleges and institutions approved under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act who have been actively engaged in research and teaching programmes in the preceding years to undertake research, without any restriction of position or pay scales.


To provide an opportunity to superannuated teachers of all recognized universities and colleges approved under UGC Act, to pursue active research in their respective field of specialization.

Target Group and Eligibility

Target Group-

Highly qualified and experienced, superannuated or likely to be superannuated within 6 months, teachers of recognized universities/colleges/institutions.


The eligibility will be based on the quality of research and published work contributed by the teacher in his/her service career. The awardee (superannuated) can work under this scheme with a well defined time bound action plan upto the age of 70 years or upto two years (non-extendable) of the award whichever is earlier.

Apply Here:

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