Trelleborg Apprenticeship Program 2023

Brief Description

Trelleborg India Private Limited which is situated in Bengaluru city has created a Trelleborg Apprenticeship Program that is an opportunity for a job for all engineering graduates and Engineering diploma holders. If you do not have both of these degrees then also you can apply for this program because this program is only available so that the students can get hold of some skills that will be helpful for them in the coming future. This is a paid opportunity presented by the organization so that the students currently on at least 15000 Rupees per month and continue their higher education so that they can get a more prestigious job in the future that will be helpful for them in order to make their own living.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must follow the following eligibility criteria to apply for the apprenticeship program:-
129. The applicant must hold any of the following degrees/diplomae
a. Mechanical Engineering
b. Mechanical Engineering (Diploma)
c. Electronics and Communication Engineering (diploma)
d. Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Diploma)
e. B.Com
f. BSc (Chemistry)
130. The applicant must have passed the examination in 2023
131. The applicant must have fluency in the local language prevalent in Karnataka
132. The applicant must have secured an aggregate of 60% and above in the qualifying examination
133. The applicant must not have any backlog


The selected candidates will receive a monthly stipend according to the available positions as follow –
Subject Field Wise Diploma Graduates Non-Professionals Monthly Stipend (INR)
Mechanical Engineering 40 – – 12,000
Electronics and Communication Engineering 10 – – 12,000
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 5 – – 12,000
Mechanical engineering – 5 – 15,000
B.Com – – 4 10,000
BSc (Chemistry) – – 2 10,000


The applicant must follow the following application procedure to apply for the scholarship program:-
The applicant must read all the details related to the program.
Make sure that you are following the eligibility criteria.
The candidates just have to send an updated resume through email at –

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