Institute of Nano Science and Technology Research Associateship 2022 is a research opportunity offered by the Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST) [an autonomous institution of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India] to Ph.D. degree holders. The selected candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis (but degree not awarded) will receive a monthly fellowship of INR 35,000 plus HRA, while the candidates who have a Ph.D. degree will receive a monthly fellowship of INR 47,000 plus HRA.
To be eligible, an applicant must –
85. Hold a Ph.D. degree
86. Have submitted the Ph.D. thesis
The selected candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis (but degree not awarded) will receive a monthly fellowship of INR 35,000 plus HRA, while the candidates who have a Ph.D. degree will receive a monthly fellowship of INR 47,000 plus HRA.
Ph.D. thesis/degree
How can you apply?
Send a complete application with supporting documents to Dean (Academics) through email at –